VCM was rough this year. Retirements and prices were down, demand was tepid at best, and lots of companies went under.

Allied Offset’s 2024 VCM Review is a good summary but I think they were too optimistic in their spin on the data:


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Solid report - thanks for sharing this David. The fact that you consider this still optimistic is telling. What's your view on the market as a rep of a credit ratings agency?

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In a personal capacity, I would say it is in the dumpster haha. It looks like a lot of corporates are pulling back/slow-rolling their net-zero commitments after discovering how hard it is to actually decarbonize, and absent that demand lever to offset remaining emissions I don't see a world in which the value of the market skyrockets despite many reports from high-dollar brands to the contrary.

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Oof. We have to connect nature/climate solutions to economies that produce and consume stuff more

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